Sunday, November 13, 2011

What is happening on your toddler at this time?

In addition to developing sense of taste and ability to enjoy food with new textures, your toddler is developing what they can do. For example how to explore, the way they talk and the way they learn.

Since its first birthday, he began to recognize an object even though it was no longer there in front of him .. He also began to recognize objects that are not concrete.

At the end of this phase motor sensor, toddler language skills begin to appear. He can do the communication. With him talking and exploring language skills, your toddler more skilled receive, store and process the information it receives. This skill is an important aspect of logic

Starting age of two years, the development of motor skills push his reason power grow more rapidly again. Curiosity around the world will increase. And, he tried hard to fulfill it. Excitatory what could you give? At the age of the children, usually from the age of three years, your toddler fun center fun-channel his energy. So, parents can provide appropriate activities so that he can channel that energy properly, and can develop his skills.

Healthy Foods

Your toddler will still continue to grow and require more nutrients than adults to achieve growth and development optimal.Balita require more fat and less fiber than adults.

To get a balanced nutrition and appropriate energy, toddlers need a nutritionally balanced food in small amounts 3 times a day plus a regular snack between meals. Mothers can learn more about a balanced diet for toddlers in the supplementary feeding.

In Action

From crawling, cruising among the furniture, your toddler can now begin to walk, run, and even jumping. It's really amazing.

At the age of almost 2 years, I can verify whether your toddler left-handed or not. That is, if they prefer to use their dominant hand to scribble, kicking a ball, or eat. At this age, your toddler can also learn to brush their own teeth, of course, accompanied by First Lady.

When your toddler coordination skills improved, he will be more active, climbing, jumping and running around that will strengthen his muscles. Because of that, you needs to give your toddler a healthy diet with balanced nutrition.

At the age of 12 months hingga18 months, toddlers are still very limited vocabulary. He was not always able to express emotions or tell him what he wants. So, get ready for it if your toddler tantrums and rages.

Mom will also notice that your toddler becomes more self-aware - with every so often says "I" or "me". Be patient when he began to learn to understand the concept of sharing common struggles in which toys and cries of "mine". And do not worry if your toddler seems more like his own rather than playing in large groups. Because this is very normal.

To speak

Actually, talk or communicate has been started since infancy. Normally, the baby will cry and move. Well, my mother usually learn to react to the cries and movements, so there was interaction. Through this interaction experience, the baby will learn that his mother will be affected by his cries. Similar interactions will occur, if he make a sound. Thus, the activity was influential in the development of speech and language of toddlers.

Next I'll soon see the progress of communication skills that your toddler rapidly when the words gradually evolved into phrases and requests.

Do not worry if they do not use many words because at this stage have not been able to produce whole sentences, they just use single words to describe what they want, for example 'mikcu' to 'drink milk' and 'teddy / obil' to 'doll / car-mobilanku '.

Eventually, they began to combine two words, eg 'play me' when they want a mother playing with her, and started listening to them! Greeting mother intently.

At this stage, your toddler most likely want to sing along with her friend. So, when my mother may also recall the rhyme or the child's favorite song when I was little.

The development of your toddler from time to time began to develop his personality. This is evident from the higher consciousness of what is happening and the desire to begin to take control.

Mothers can encourage this by letting him make decisions. Let your toddler choose which outfit you wanted to wear or what games to be played. Encourage your toddler to use their coordination skills, such as walking with a variety of ways - sideways, forward, back - besides running and jumping.

Since many toddlers learn and imitate what he heard and saw, so be careful with facial expressions and the language you spoke.


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