Have you ever been ill? Obviously, yes. Have you ever ask your insurance company to pay for your treatment? Probably yes. And have your claim ever been denied? Sure. It is quite obvious, because if insurance companies paid every claim without question they would probably go broke.
So let’s go deeper into details of the whole process. When a person asks the insurance company he is registered in for paying for his treatment course, this company is likely to fend off his claim. Almost all insurance companies are trying to save themselves money by denying such claims. But they know for sure that in any case they are to pay for some kind of treatment, but a patient should be really persistent to reach his goals.
It happens that really often the doctor himself tries to help the patient to receive this payment from the insurance company. In such cases doctors just offer patients the treatment options that they know for sure the insurance companies will pay for without even any consideration whether they can or can not deny the patient’s claim. But in many cases the conflicts between a patient and an insurance company are not worth a farthing. And they may give more headaches than cures.
Let’s consider the situation when anyway an insurance company has rejected your request. In this case you have the right to write a formal complaint to the insurance company and ask them to reconsider your claim. According to new health care laws an insurance company has a possibility to look through this complaint during a short period of time and, of course, they can reject your complaint either. But by the way you can also go further and make the company review the rejection of your claim.
In any case not all the conflicts between an insurance company and a patient can be resolved in favour of the patient. So you’d better decide for yourself whether your can try another way of treatment and pay for it out of your pocket or you can continue fighting with the health insurance company. Your treatment is considered to be more useful and important and any delay may have undesirable aftermath.
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