Sunday, November 13, 2011

How to Bath Your Baby

There are many mothers who are still confused about how to bathe small babies who are still weak. We have instructions below can help you, happy bathing  

Bathing Baby for the First Time.

Although you provided a way to bathe a baby while still in the hospital, you may still feel anxious when I had to do it yourself at home.
Many mothers prefer to bathe their babies with washlap in the first weeks. After feeling more confident, then they actually bathe with bath.

It does not matter if I'm just using washlap. Do this in a warm room and Cover baby with a towel to dry.

Necessary to bathe the baby

Bathing the baby would be easier if you are really ready. So before you start, prepare the following equipment:

  • Baby bathtub (if any body or rubber buffer fitted so the baby shower is not easy to slip). Put in place a comfortable fit and high ambient temperature that does not make you sick waist.
  • Water thermometer
  • washlap gentle sponge bath or a baby
  • washlap gentle sponge bath or a baby
  • Baby towel
  • Equipment to clean the umbilical cord (gauze, cotton, betadine, bandage, cotton buds)
  • Equipment for use seusainya (baby clothes, diapers, powder, oil talon, etc.)
Bathing your baby - step by step
  • Prepare a bath with a tub of water quantity and temperature sufficient for the baby (about 30-32 degrees celsius)
  • Set also a shower room temperature so the baby is not cold.
  • Put the baby in the tub or on the support. Dampen his body slowly and wash the eyes, ears, face, and folds her body with a soft cloth.
  • Use a special soap for baby's body, gently rinse with water.
  • If the baby's hair should be wayoud, do the above taffel baby before the baby is put into the tub. Support your head and shoulders with a forearm Mother. Clean the foam head with a wet cloth, a new rinsed clean.
  • During the shower, take your baby to talk or sing songs to calm him down.
  • When finiyoud, lift the baby with a warm towel and then keirngkan body.

If you are still in doubt, midwife or doctor will show you how to bathe the baby is most suitable for the mother. Once you mastered it, you will feel confident to do it.


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